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Bent Artists' Books,Turkey  
Kaldırım Destanı-Kaldırımlar Kurdunun Hayatı  
Date: 2006  
Publisher: Bent Istanbul  
Format: 24 x 17 cm, 52 pages  
Printing: Offset, color, stapled  
ISBN: 9944-5030-0-2 / 9944-5030-1-0 / 9944-5030-2-9 / 9944-5030-3-7 / 9944-5030-4-5 / 9944-5030-5-3  
Masist Gül (1947-2003) was an artist of Armenian origin, who was born and lived in Istanbul. He made his living as an actor playing minor roles in over 300 movies and produced a large number of collages, drawings and poems, none of which were published or exhibited during his life. During the 80s he wrote and drew a series of six comic books with the title "Kaldırım Destanı – Kaldırımlar Kurdunun Hayatı" (Pavement Myth – The Life of the Pavement's Wolf). This is issue 1, published by BAS. Although it isn't strictly a pirate edition, BAS have struggled with the ethics around a posthumous edition for which the author never had a chance to give consent.