M Bayerdoerfer and R Schweiker (editors), 2017
A6, 231 pages, b/w with red glossy cover, printed by Aldgate Press, designed by M Huntley
New. New. Just received the 4th edition: Teaching For People Who Prefer Not To Teach, a manual that fits in your pocket. “It’s a messy collection of ideas: contributions our friends and colleagues sent us, our own learning experiences and rumours we heard. You might ask yourself who this manual is for. Is it for teachers? Is it for students? Is it only relevant for teaching art? The answer is: Yes and No. We don’t know. Probably both. As self-employed artists, we have become used to performing our services anywhere, for anybody who books us. One day we might be doing a happy crafty afternoon in a primary school, the next day a post-graduate seminar on exhibition-making, the day after we’re making soup for the reading group we organised. And our methodologies need to work in all of these contexts” (from the editor’s notes)
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